Search Engine Optimization

Why is WordPress the most popular SEO friendly CMS in the world?

It’s no secret that WordPress is one of the most popular web tools available today. Even if you don’t know what WordPress is, chances are you have visited a WordPress website.  According to Web Technology Surveys, WordPress

Is Page Speed Undermining Your SEO?

How Does Page Speed Affect SEO? Page speed is one of those facets of web development that we tend to forget until we’re frustrated waiting for a page we need to finish loading. Somehow, even a 404 error seems

SEO Predictions for 2020

Search engine optimization is one of those things that is constantly changing. But given that it’s a vital component to any digital marketing strategy, keeping up to date with these changes should be a top priority. But while

Quality Link Building to Improve Site Rank

How to Manage a Successful Link Building Campaign In previous SEO posts, I’ve discussed factors that affect your website’s rank. As search engines evolve and improve, link building becomes a more important measure of

Websites for a Mobile World

For better or worse, today’s world is always on the move. Some 57 percent of all U.S. online activity occurs over smartphones and tablets, with many consumers and businesses conducting their online searches and making

Zero-Click Searches and What They Mean for Your SEO Strategy

Are No-Click Searches Impeding the Success of Your SEO Campaign? This summer marked a milestone for search engine marketers. For the first time ever, more than half of all Google searches ended without the user clicking on a

SEO 101: The Simple Secret to SEO? E-A-T

E-A-T to Improve Site Rank Over the past few months, Google has rolled out an update for its search engine that has had massive changes to the ranking algorithm. If you follow SEO news, you may be familiar with

Google’s Domain Diversity Change Broadens the Field for Search Results

Domain Diversity Launch Limits the Number of Results per Domain Have you ever searched for a product or service and had the first page monopolized by a single domain? Maybe you’ve searched for a particular service and the query

What We Know So Far About Google’s June 2019 Core Update

Google Announces a Core Update for the First Time Google announced the June 2019 Core Update with a simple tweet from the Search Liaison Twitter account on June 2. This marks the first time Google has ever announced a

Google to Secure Search for Ad Clicks

Recent Changes in Google Search Last week, Google announced that they are expending secure search to clicks on paid ads, switching all searches to encrypted searches. Until recently,  AdWords advertisers have gotten full access

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